
On this blog you will find... vegan recipes, products, and general info regarding vegan life. You will also find some art with the stories behind it, news of my shop on Etsy and someday hopefully some music.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Windows, Some cool and recent photos!

This is a photo I took down town of Christmas lights but as you can see it is spring and I think the flowers and lights are a beautiful combination. I am also looking at my mom's old photos today and I came across this beautiful white cat. I took a picture so that I could have one and I found that the reflections made even more interesting.


  1. You took a photo of the photo? very cool the way it turned out : )

  2. Very cool..I have had three white cats so far, there's something about them!
    - Irina

  3. Thank you! They are so, interesting I guess you don't see them that often.
